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Publicaciones en Revistas, Libros y Actas de Congresos


  • The HD 98800 quadruple pre-main sequence system. Towards full orbital characterisation using long-baseline infrared interferometry Zuñiga-Fernández, S., Olofsson, J., Bayo, A., Haubois, X., Corral-Santana, J.M., Lopera-Mejía, A., Ronco, M.P., Tokovinin, A., Gallenne, A., Kennedy, G.M., Berger, J.P. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 655, id.A15, 23 pp.

  • Long live the disk: lifetimes of protoplanetary disks in hierarchical triple star systems
    and a possible explanation for HD 98800 B
     Ronco, M. P.
    , Guilera, O., Cuadra, J., Miller Bertolami, M.M., Cuello, N., Fontecilla, C., Poblete, P., Bayo, A. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 916, Issue 2, id.113, 16 pp.

  • The importance of thermal torques on the migration of planets growing by pebble accretion. Guilera, O.M., Miller-Bertolami, M. M., Masset, F., Cuadra, J., Venturini, J., Ronco, M.P. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 507, Issue 3, pp.3638-3652.


  • WD 1856 b: a close giant planet around a white dwarf that could have survived a common-envelope phase Lagos, F., Schreiber, M.R., Zorotovic, M., Gänsicke, B.T., Ronco, M.P., Hammers, A.S. Accepted for publication in MNRAS.

  • The nature of the radius valley. Hints from formation and evolution models Venturini, J. Guilera, O.M., Haldemann, J., Ronco, M.P., Mordasini, C. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 643, id.L1, 10 pp.

  • Most super-Earths formed by dry pebble accretion are less massive than 5 Earth masses  Venturini, J., Guilera, O.M., Ronco, M.P. , Mordasini, C. Accepted for publication in A&A.

  • How Jupiters save or destroy inner Neptunes around evolved stars Ronco, M.P., Schreiber, M.R., Giuppone, C.A., Veras, D., Cuadra, J., Guilera, O.M. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 898, Issue 1, id.L23

  • Giant planet formation at the pressure maxima of protoplanetary disks II: A hybrid accretion scenario Guilera, O.M., Sándor, Sz., Ronco, M.P., Venturini, J., Miller Bertolami, M.M. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 642, id.A140, 17 pp.

  • Setting the Stage: Planet formation and Volatile Delivery Venturini, J., Ronco, M.P., Guilera O.M. Space Science Reviews, Volume 216, Issue 5, article id.86.






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